Join Crofton Schools in honoring our veterans. The 2022 Veterans Day program will start at 11:00 am.

CHS chorus students participated in the Mid-State Vocal Music Clinic today at Cedar Catholic. They did an outstanding job and represented themselves, the school and community well.

Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of October 31. It’s the Warrior Way!

The Crofton Elementary Penny Drive raised $1112.00 for the CVFD. Pictured is Mrs. Thoene’s Kindergarten class (they raised more money than any other class) and Crofton Fire Chief Dave Hansen. Way to go Warriors!

The Crofton Elementary Penny Drive raised $1112.00 for the CVFD. Pictured are student council members and Crofton Fire Chief Dave Hansen. Way to go Warriors - giving back to our community!

Thank you to a generous donor for all new dishes for the FCS classroom!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 19 at 7:00 for the CHS One-Act dinner theatre fundraiser!

Crofton High School Blood Drive
High School Gym
Wednesday, Nov. 2nd

Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of October 24, 2022. It’s the Warrior Way!

Final score from Clarkson
Patriots 22
Warriors 14

After 3 quarters of play
Patriots 22
Warriors 0

At the half
Clarkson-Leigh 14
Crofton 0

The Warriors are in Clarkson tonight for the 2nd round of football playoffs. After the first quarter the Patriots lead the Warriors 8-0.

The Crofton Booster Club is ordering apparel. Orders are due Nov. 6th. Click the link to view the website. https://warriorswinterwear2022.itemorder.com/shop/home/

Student council and NHS members spoke with 3rd-6th grade students on celebrating life.
Live Drug Free.
2022 Red Ribbon Week

If you are traveling to Clarkson-Leigh for tonight's football game, please check out the map for available parking.

Unable to travel to Clarkson-Leigh to watch the Warriors take on the Patriots in the 2nd round of football playoffs? Catch the game online at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS4BNN192s86MeuhZ_FDJEQ Game time is 7:00. Go Warriors!

Congratulations to the Crofton High School Quartet of Jeffrey Birger, Araya Nielsen, Jack Schieffer and Elizabeth Wortmann who have been selected to sing the National Anthem at the 2022 NSAA Football Championship Finals on Monday, November 21.