Good luck at Districts Crofton One Act Team!

All-District Football
Simon McFarland, Ty Tramp, Paxton Bartels, Braxston Foxhoven, Wesley Lucht
All-District Honorable Mention
William Steffen, Garret Buschkamp

Let's Go Warriors!

Good luck Lady Warriors!

No school today, Tuesday, November 29, at Crofton Community School. No practices or activities.

There will be a 10 am late start at Crofton Community Schools today, Tuesday, November 29. No breakfast served.

Sound check complete! These four will be singing the National Anthem in Memorial Stadium for the D-1 Championship game today. Tune in to watch them on Nebraska Public Media at 2:40 TODAY! What an honor! Way to represent Crofton schools and community!

Check out the Wragge Warriors and Positive Warriors for the week of November 14. Let’s go Warriors!

Today the Crofton FCCLA presented the Pink Out donation to the Faith Regional Health Services Foundation Hope Fund!

Congratulations to our Students of the Term for Term 1.
Seth Pinkelman and Natalee Steffen.
Thank you to all of our sponsors, and shout out to our new sponsor this year "The Shop on 2."

Congratulations to the CHS One-Act cast, crew and coaches for earning Mid-State Conference Champion honors today! Garret Buschkamp, Rori Schmidt, Jeffrey Birger, Samantha Strunk, Ellie Tramp and Grant Schieffer were awarded outstanding performance honors!

Great job to the One-Act play cast, crew, & directors!!

Warrior One-Act is about ready to start their conference performance

A reminder there is a Community Meeting on Monday November 21st at 6:30pm in the Elementary School Gym. Presentation by Carlson West Povondra Architects, tours available afterwards. Use the following link to view the full assessment: https://www.croftonschools.org/page/cwp

The winter sport season is officially underway at CHS!

The Crofton One-Act cast and crew participated in the Wynot One-Act Festival today and earned some recognition for their performance. Congratulations to all!

Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of Nov 7. Way to go Warriors!

Good luck Warriors!

It is an honor for us to host The Veterans Day Program each year!
Another great job by Dr. Doerr and the seniors

Veteran’s Day today and two Crofton Elementary students played Taps for the elementary students this morning. Making the day special for everyone. Thank you!