Join us for our Speech Open House on Saturday, March 15th at 2 p.m.!
about 4 hours ago, Courtney Baker
open house
Final Score, Lady Warriors 53 Yutan 28! We will play tomorrow at 3:15!
about 5 hours ago, Chris Look
At the end of the 3rd quarter, Lady Warriors 44 Yutan 20
about 6 hours ago, Chris Look
At halftime, Lady Warriors 30 Yutan 16
about 6 hours ago, Chris Look
At the end of the 1st quarter, Lady Warriors 24 Yutan 6
about 6 hours ago, Chris Look
Lets go Lady Warriors!
about 7 hours ago, Chris Look
Lady Warriors are ready to rock the first round at the State Championship at the BOB
about 7 hours ago, Johnnie Ostermeyer
1 day ago, Courtney Baker
state game 1
There will be a 10 am late start at Crofton Community Schools tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th. No breakfast served. No morning practices or activities. We will re-evaluate in the morning and let everyone know if there are any changes.
2 days ago, Chris Look
Due to the incoming winter storm forecasted to get here earlier, we are going to move the early dismissal time up to 12:00 at the elementary school and 12:10 at the high school. Thank you for your help and understanding with the situation.
2 days ago, Chris Look
Thank you band seniors for your dedication over the last 7 years to our band and community! We hope you enjoyed your last home pep band game! #WarriorWay
3 days ago, Ashley Leader
Due to the forecasted winter storm, Crofton Community Schools will close at 1:00pm on Tuesday, March 4th. No practices or activities after school.
3 days ago, Chris Look
The girls basketball team will be leaving early for state to beat the weather. With that, we will have a quick pep rally at 9:30am, Tuesday March 4th at the High School as long as the weather cooperates. Go Warriors!
3 days ago, Chris Look
CONGRATULATIONS, LADY WARRIORS! They are District Champions and headed to the State Tournament!
3 days ago, Courtney Baker
centura final
Crofton had a great day at their conference meet! Here are the results: - 1st Katie Neuharth Inform - 2nd Jack Schieffer Humorous Prose - 2nd Jack Schieffer Entertainment - 3rd OID: Madelyn, Jack, Grant, Katie, Sophia - 5th Kaite Neuharth and Sophia Wortmann Duet - 5th Kaija Hess Poetry - 6th Rylie Arens Extemp - 6th Madelyn Loecker Inform They got 4th as a team overall in a very competitive speech conference! All the speeches will be performing March 15 at our open house! Come out and see them!
3 days ago, Courtney Baker
Conference speech
GIRLS STATE BASKETBALL TICKETING POLICIES. If you are planning to attend any of the games this weekend, please read the ticketing information provided.
4 days ago, Ann Kramer
GSBB Ticketing
The Lady Warriors have qualified for State Basketball! The girls will play Thursday in Lincoln, time to be announced soon. There will be No School Thursday, Friday remains a scheduled day off. We will send updates if there are any changes. Go Warriors!
5 days ago, Chris Look
Girls State Basketball apparel order form is available. Orders are due back by 9:00 am Monday, March 3rd to the school office.
6 days ago, Ann Kramer
gbb order form
District Final: Lady Warriors get the win over Centura 54-27, advancing to the State Tournament next week! Great job ladies and good luck in Lincoln!
6 days ago, Chris Look
District Final: Lady Warriors 44 Centura 20 at the end of the 3rd quarter
6 days ago, Chris Look