Don't miss the Season 5 Premiere of the Warrior Way News! We have an amazing crew led by @MrsBakerRm169! https://youtu.be/r6wIToO4d9U

A few guidelines for the JH volleyball tournament in Hartington on Saturday: When playing at Hartington-Newcastle fans are asked to wear a mask, food is not allowed to be brought at either site, and concessions will be available at the Activity Center at Cedar.

The home volleyball game tonight against O'Neill will be streamed live at the following link: https://youtu.be/HU7iDmwvVAc
We hope to get better sound added to it in the near future. #gocrofton

Football and Girls Golf Parents: A reminder that tomorrow night is parent night. Football players and parents will be recognized prior to the start of the game. (Please be here by 6:40.) Girls golfers and their parents will be recognized after the band performance at halftime.

If you are heading to the JV volleyball tournament at Wisner-Pilger on Saturday, fans and teams are expected to wear masks when they are in common areas and when they are in the bleachers and cannot socially distance.

A reminder that tomorrow night, prior to the warm-up for the varsity game, we will be having parent night for the cross country and volleyball teams. Parents should plan to be here at approximately 7:00.

Check out the fan safety guidelines for the tournament at Boone Central on Saturday.

Here are the current fan safety guidelines for home contests. These may be updated as it is seen necessary.

Fall sport parent night's are scheduled for this week. Cross country and volleyball on Thursday and Friday will be football and girls golf.

Here are the fan safety guidelines for the volleyball games tomorrow night at Cedar Catholic.

Final score from Genoa Warriors 48. Titans 7.

After three quarters of play the Warriors lead 42-0.

The Warriors add 14 in the 2nd quarter. Score at the half Warriors 28 Titans 0.

The Warriors came fires up and ready to play. At the end of the 1st quarter they lead 14-0.

Unable to make it to the football game at Twin River? The game will be on the radio (KKYA) and livestreamed on www.striv.tv/channel/twin-river. Digital copy of the program is available on the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyfIRw2WSHl61C_RHh1CJfmuHIJkGkEt/view

The football game vs Twin River will be live at http://www.striv.tv/channel/twin-river

Fan guidelines for the football game at Twin River tomorrow: Masks are encouraged but not required, limited/socially distanced bleacher seating available and temperatures will be checked prior to entering. Spectators are asked to leave immediately following the game.

Mrs. Bruening's class is breaking in the @BreakoutEDU kits this year and using videoconferencing to connect @CroftonWarrior virtual students! Way to make it work!

Lady Warriors with the win. Take the 5th 15-12.

Lady Warriors take the 4th 25-20. On to set 5!!