JH Wrestling meet today in Plainview starting at 3:00. The meet will be streamed using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZC5SjXwyEKN-XLf4oGpAA
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
Crofton Elem Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of Nov 9! Good job Warriors!
about 4 years ago, Mark Wragge
JH wrestling parents: Plainview is allowing 2 tickets per competitor for immediate family/household members for the meet on Thursday. Parents please ask your wrestler for your tickets. Masks will be required for all in attendance.
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
Don't forget to order your Crofton face coverings. Orders are due Monday, November 16.
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
Face Coverings
Congratulations to Quinn Schieffer, Garret Buschkamp, Gavin Potts, Allie Dahl, Lauren Buschkamp and Connor Arens for earning Outstanding Actor/Actress honors for their performance in Twinderella at the Mid State Conference One Act competition.
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
One Act
Mid-State Conference One Act awards ceremony will be held virtually tonight at 7:30. Here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5016780633?pwd=UGVVMTFkd1hvK2ZPQkZzRzRMWEI0dz09#success (Meeting ID: 501 678 0633 and Passcode: 507613)
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
JH Wrestling fans here is the link to today's meet in Ponca. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqa_llDGp1wtVnN4RAT-02A/videos
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
All buildings will start at 10:00 am tomorrow, sorry for the confusion.
about 4 years ago, Chris Look
There will be a 2 hour late start Wednesday November 11th. No breakfast served. We will still have the Veteran's Day Program @ 11:00am.
about 4 years ago, Chris Look
Reminder that as of now the Veteran's Day Program will take place tomorrow @ 11:00 am. Veterans and community members are welcome, masks required. We will send notification if anything changes.
about 4 years ago, Chris Look
Due to the declining weather conditions, we will be dismissing school at 1:30. Bus routes will be ran at that time.
about 4 years ago, Chris Look
Our Mid-States vocal clinic was not able to meet in person this year, so we put our voices together digitally! Here's Mid-States Choir singing "Blades of Grass" arranged by Keith Christopher. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IMOl8au6iBI4pflVLNGXq9LIlN0n2hrg/view?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Lisa Pack
Order your Crofton Warrior apparel by Monday, November 16 at 10am. https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/crofton-spiritwear/
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
If you are interested in purchasing clothing items to support the boys basketball program, click the following link: https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/crofton-boys-basketball/
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
Join us on Wednesday November 11 for the Veteran's Day Program starting at 11am. https://tinyurl.com/croftonhsgym
about 4 years ago, Valerie Tarr
Veterans Day
Crofton Elementary Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week!
about 4 years ago, Mark Wragge
@Thee_DoerrMan American Hist class experienced an authentic piece of post-WW II history this week. Mr. Bossman gave the grand tour of his 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan & discussed its role during the era.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Pack
Bossman's 1947 Buick Roadmaster
Here's the link to the order form for face coverings for the winter activity season. Anyone can purchase! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bef6A8xoNljmfGC1LOV7l4mwXqdx0JoN/view?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Chris Look
Order Crofton Warrior or Crofton-Bloomfield Wrestling face coverings today for the winter activity season! Orders due Monday, November 16.
about 4 years ago, Ann Kramer
FC Order Form
If I was President by Mrs. Connot's Kindergarten. This will make you SMILE! https://youtu.be/GCKiFCHMu2s
about 4 years ago, Lisa Pack