JH Wrestling meet today in Plainview starting at 3:00. The meet will be streamed using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZC5SjXwyEKN-XLf4oGpAA
Crofton Elem Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of Nov 9! Good job Warriors!
JH wrestling parents: Plainview is allowing 2 tickets per competitor for immediate family/household members for the meet on Thursday. Parents please ask your wrestler for your tickets. Masks will be required for all in attendance.
Don't forget to order your Crofton face coverings. Orders are due Monday, November 16.
Congratulations to Quinn Schieffer, Garret Buschkamp, Gavin Potts, Allie Dahl, Lauren Buschkamp and Connor Arens for earning Outstanding Actor/Actress honors for their performance in Twinderella at the Mid State Conference One Act competition.
Mid-State Conference One Act awards ceremony will be held virtually tonight at 7:30. Here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5016780633?pwd=UGVVMTFkd1hvK2ZPQkZzRzRMWEI0dz09#success (Meeting ID: 501 678 0633 and Passcode: 507613)
JH Wrestling fans here is the link to today's meet in Ponca. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqa_llDGp1wtVnN4RAT-02A/videos
All buildings will start at 10:00 am tomorrow, sorry for the confusion.
There will be a 2 hour late start Wednesday November 11th. No breakfast served. We will still have the Veteran's Day Program @ 11:00am.
Reminder that as of now the Veteran's Day Program will take place tomorrow @ 11:00 am. Veterans and community members are welcome, masks required. We will send notification if anything changes.
Due to the declining weather conditions, we will be dismissing school at 1:30. Bus routes will be ran at that time.
Our Mid-States vocal clinic was not able to meet in person this year, so we put our voices together digitally! Here's Mid-States Choir singing "Blades of Grass" arranged by Keith Christopher.
Order your Crofton Warrior apparel by Monday, November 16 at 10am. https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/crofton-spiritwear/
If you are interested in purchasing clothing items to support the boys basketball program, click the following link: https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/team-apparel/crofton-boys-basketball/
Join us on Wednesday November 11 for the Veteran's Day Program starting at 11am. https://tinyurl.com/croftonhsgym
Crofton Elementary Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week!
@Thee_DoerrMan American Hist class experienced an authentic piece of post-WW II history this week. Mr. Bossman gave the grand tour of his 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan & discussed its role during the era.
Here's the link to the order form for face coverings for the winter activity season. Anyone can purchase! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bef6A8xoNljmfGC1LOV7l4mwXqdx0JoN/view?usp=sharing
Order Crofton Warrior or Crofton-Bloomfield Wrestling face coverings today for the winter activity season! Orders due Monday, November 16.
If I was President by Mrs. Connot's Kindergarten. This will make you SMILE! https://youtu.be/GCKiFCHMu2s