Follow the live scoring of the C-3 District Golf Meet today by using the following link:

State Track Fans heading to Burke check out the ticketing and spectator information before heading to Omaha Friday and Saturday.

Good Luck to the boys golf team as they participate in the C-3 District Meet today in Hartington starting at 9:00 am.

Orders for State Track shirts are being taken. Orders are due Monday, May 16th by 12:00 PM (Noon).

Positive Warriors for the week! (Two students not pictured)

Good Luck to the girls and boys track teams as they compete in the C-4 District Meet today in Hartington. Field events start at 10:00; running events at 1:00. Results will be posted online throughout the meet on results.hnscats.org

Due to weather predictions the starting time for the C-4 District Track Meet in Hartington on Thursday, May 12, will start at 10:00 A.M. instead of 11:00 A.M. An updated schedule of events is included.

Winter/Spring Athletic Banquet will be held Tuesday, May 17 in the high school commons. Meal served at 6:30; awards at 7:00.

Congratulations Kendall and Sean for your success at the Spring Sprints on Friday in Wayne. Check out pictures from the day👇🏻👇🏻

Tomorrow's Graduation ceremony will be live streamed using the link below starting at 2:00. Doors will open to the public at 1:15. https://camstreamer.com/redirect/48dd959eb8261d8/S-48197

Career plans for this years Seniors:
Air Force
Entering the work force
Good Luck!

Last Day for Seniors, Graduation Walk at Crofton Elementary & St Rose.
Link to video: https://youtu.be/xnQD_Q-wlhU

Career plans for this years Seniors:
Briar Cliff University
University of South Dakota
Iowa Western Community College
Good Luck!

Career plans for this years Seniors:
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Hastings College
Mount Marty University
Lake Area Technical College
Good Luck!

Career Plans for this year Seniors:
Morningside University
Western Welding Academy
Buena Vista University
Concordia University
Good Luck!

Career Plans for this years Seniors:
University of Nebraska Omaha
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
University of Nebraska Kearney
Casper College
Good Luck!

Career Plans for this year Seniors:
South Dakota State University
Wayne State College
Northeast Community College
Good Luck!

Congratulations to Mayson Ostermeyer for signing to continue his track career at Concordia University

Congratulations to the Warriors that earned NCPA Academic Honors from the NSAA for Spring activities . . .

It's a busy day for CHS athletes: Mid-State Conference Boys Golf and Mid-State Conference Track Meet at Battle Creek and JH Track is heading to the Wayne JH Invite. Good Luck to all!!