Crofton Chief of Police John Carter talking about safety and his job responsibilities with our Kindergarten students today. Thank you for your time today!

CONGRATULATIONS to the CHS Marching Band who earned SWEEPSTAKES honors at the Pierce Marching Band Competition today!

Heading to the football game at Tri County Northeast on Friday? The Allen Community Center is hosting a free will donation tail gate. Check out the flyer for more details . . . Posting To

Good luck today, Lady Warriors!

Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of October 3, 2022. Go Warriors!

Reminder P-T Conferences tomorrow; No school K-6; 1:00 Dismissal for 7-12.
ES P-T Conferences by appointment
HS P-T Conferences from 3:30-8:00

Thank you CVFD for spending time with our students today teaching fire safety!! CVFD is hosting an open house Tuesday evening, October 4th, starting at 6:00 p.m. Hotdogs for visitors and the “smoke house” for kids to experience. A great family opportunity to talk about safety

JV FOOTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE: The JV football team will be traveling to Wynot tomorrow (Monday) night for a 6:30 pm game.

CHS JH Volleyball Heart of a Warrior recipients.

Final score Crofton 82 Homer 19

Great halftime performance!

At halftime Crofton 52 Homer 13

At the end of the 1st quarter Crofton 22 Homer 7

Use the following link for tonight's game!
Our regular camera is off for repair so this one will look a bit different.

Lady Warriors drop game three and the match to the Trojans.

Lady Warriors drop game two 20-25 to the Trojans.

Lady Warriors are in Wakefield tonight taking on the Trojans. The Lady Warriors drop game one 18-25.

Good luck Warriors!

Watch the Lady Warriors take on Wakefield tonight in volleyball using this link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVVLqkStt6fXKXRkdqVcxOg

Good luck!