Crofton Chief of Police John Carter talking about safety and his job responsibilities with our Kindergarten students today. Thank you for your time today!
over 2 years ago, Mark Wragge
CONGRATULATIONS to the CHS Marching Band who earned SWEEPSTAKES honors at the Pierce Marching Band Competition today!
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Heading to the football game at Tri County Northeast on Friday? The Allen Community Center is hosting a free will donation tail gate. Check out the flyer for more details . . . Posting To
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Good luck today, Lady Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Baker
Good luck!
Positive Warriors and Wragge Warriors for the week of October 3, 2022. Go Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Mark Wragge
Reminder P-T Conferences tomorrow; No school K-6; 1:00 Dismissal for 7-12. ES P-T Conferences by appointment HS P-T Conferences from 3:30-8:00
over 2 years ago, Johnnie Ostermeyer
Thank you CVFD for spending time with our students today teaching fire safety!! CVFD is hosting an open house Tuesday evening, October 4th, starting at 6:00 p.m. Hotdogs for visitors and the “smoke house” for kids to experience. A great family opportunity to talk about safety
over 2 years ago, Mark Wragge
JV FOOTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE: The JV football team will be traveling to Wynot tomorrow (Monday) night for a 6:30 pm game.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
CHS JH Volleyball Heart of a Warrior recipients.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Final score Crofton 82 Homer 19
over 2 years ago, Chris Look
Great halftime performance!
over 2 years ago, Chris Look
At halftime Crofton 52 Homer 13
over 2 years ago, Chris Look
At the end of the 1st quarter Crofton 22 Homer 7
over 2 years ago, Chris Look
Use the following link for tonight's game! Our regular camera is off for repair so this one will look a bit different.
over 2 years ago, Valerie Tarr
Live Stream
Lady Warriors drop game three and the match to the Trojans.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Lady Warriors drop game two 20-25 to the Trojans.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Lady Warriors are in Wakefield tonight taking on the Trojans. The Lady Warriors drop game one 18-25.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Good luck Warriors!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Baker
Good luck Warriors!
Watch the Lady Warriors take on Wakefield tonight in volleyball using this link.
over 2 years ago, Ann Kramer
Good luck!
over 2 years ago, Courtney Baker
Go Warriors!